Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Cemetery 

Genealogy has always been a fascination of mine, even as a child.  As an adult I've found myself doing research into my various family lines and I know how important it can be.  The following information about the Guantanamo Bay Cemetery/Cuzco Cemetery is something I felt compelled to do,  because everyone buried here was someone's son, daughter, husband, wife, brother or sister.  If I can be of assistance to only one person then all the work I've put into gathering this information will have been worth it. 

The Guantanamo Bay Cemetery is a peaceful place located in a
restricted area of the Base. Very few people visit this quiet place other than on Memorial Day when the graves are decorated with flags and Base residents can take a bus to the site and remember those that were here before them. You can hear the sounds of the ocean, because on either side of this cemetery are two beautiful untouched beaches. In this rugged harsh place, there is much beauty, they did justice in the placement of the cemetery.

I am making a photo record of every gravestone in the cemetery as of 2012. 

-To date I have half of the gravestones photographed.

-To locate a specific stone, each entry is labed by:
  • Year of death
  • First letter of last name
  • Nation or State if noted
  • Go to Categories and search there
  • At the bottom of the page click on "older posts" to continue through the results for that specific category.
  • Each gravestone has its own entry, which is labeled with the name on the gravestone, you could also search through the archive for the name.

I would be very interested to know why there were so many infant deaths here.

~~~ Under Construction ~~~

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cross at Cuzco Well


     As far as I'm aware, nobody knows the meaning of this cross near the Cuzco Well.